are now available in crystal vinyl - only a limited small batch available.
A few things to consider before buying. You don't need the high heel feet () but they do look more natural when the shoe is worn - however both the normal feet and high heel feet will still look like they are floating inside due to the thickness of the vinyl - check the photos for comparison. If you are not staring at the shoe from the side then the default feet should suffice.
The high heel and Cortex feet have a better fit - the standard vinyl feet may rattle a bit if you are shaking your doll in the air for some reason - not a wise thing to do as they will come after you when you are sleeping.
Depending on the position of the foot inside the shoe, you may see a dark patch/shadow on the side of the foot - this is just the vinyl clinging to the foot.
You will need to heat the parts with a hairdryer or hot water before putting them on or taking them off. Please do not burn yourself or anybody nearby.
Just like all of our vinyl products, you should expect wrinkles, air bubbles and any blemish that are entailed with the craft of hand pulling vinyl from a slush cast mold. Air bubbles and dust in particular stand out due to the transparency of the material. The air bubbles actually do look good if you are lucky to get some because they look like champagne bubbles.
Due to the clear nature of vinyl, this product may (or may not) start to yellow over time. Also just to be clear (phnarr phnarr) - you should not expect this product to be absolutely clear - there is a slight cloudiness to it.|は使わなくてもいいですが、デフォルト足はより自然に見えます。ハイ足やコーテックス足はフィット感は抜群で、デフォルトのソフビ足は若干ゆるい。